Appendix D- Participant raw qualitative responses

Taken to the side and subbed off, although its rare someone sustains a head injury
The games stops and they are taken off the pitch to be examined by the first aid
Quick check of individual, may consult first aid if deemed necessary
check if they’re feeling okay, if yes they can continue playing
Normally the game is stopped and the player is assessed by the ref. If they are on the floor for a prolonged period of time, the medic will come on to check. The player would be taken off and examined. When this has happened, they then decide if the player can come back on or not Game is stopped, the person is checked on to see if they are alright, they will either carry on if theyre fine or sot out the rest of the game
Mostly carry on playing if they can
Player is removed from the pitch and has a HIA from the physio
The game stops for both teams if the injury looks severe.
medical help is immediately called
The game is paused, person is checked by referee and game resumes
There is a few medics at all games who will check you over and decide what steps should be taken. eg play on, rest for a bit, stop playing, go to doctor or A&E
Taking some time out if the person is affected by the hit, see if it’s okay to continue after a while
WE take a break and medical evaluates them if it looks like a hard hit. They get sidelined
Fell down on the ice and hurt his head.
look after me
The game stops while the player is checked out. They usually sit out for the rest of the game and do some concussion testing
First aiders will check on them, they will be taken off the pitch/out of training they fall and loose consciousness
The game stops and we check if they’re okay, usually we carry on playing if they say that they’re fine but I’m football as soon as someone goes down for their head everything stops
Lifeguard would administer first aid. Sent to hospital if necessary.
Checked by the coach - come off if they are showing signs of concussion
Referee stops the game. Medical staff and referee carry out checks on the player.
The referee pulls up the game and if the player feels well to carry on then they will players have a mandatory time out, where they undergo an initial assessment for immediate signs of concussion, if uncertain or signs, they are sent for medical attention, and do not rejoin the match / game. If it is found they have signs of concussion after a medical assessment they are not allowed to join team practice or participate in matches until they have medical sign off. (GP or other) they can still attend sessions, to remain part of the team, but are not allowed to play, iif there are no signs of concussion after initial assessment and monitoring for15 minutes they are allowed to rejoin the game at the discretion of the match officials and team captains, coaches and the player themselves
Medical attention is given (apply ice), check ins with athletes following injury and attend hospital of injury has had significant impact
physio comes over and assesses them
they get dizzy, fall uncocniousness, non-responsive
Asked to take rest. If it’s major incident taken to the infirmary immediately and then to the hospital.
First aid
We all stop and a first aid trained member will assess the situation and provide further guidance Unknown, medics on hand at home games
Stay on the floor, stop the game, get our coach or if the other team has a physio to check them over, of fine then carry on if not then taken off and not allowed to play again doesn’t usually occur
Everyone takes five to regroup, injured person gets assessed ands sits out
A minor assessment and if the player feels ok to carry on, they will. But often playing partners will advise them to stop.
We all make sure if she is ok and if it is bad, we send her/or call the doctor.
I don’t think I was told not to play. Just to rest for the day
couple of days
2 weeks
21 days
2 months
1-3 weeks depending on severity
A week
2 weeks
6 weeks
don’t remember
A week
14 days
5 days
2 weeks
2 weeks
7 days